The special event MEDD by DaTE took place on Monday 17 October 2022 in the ADI Design Museum in Milan, i.e. the Milan Eyewear Design Day, a day entirely dedicated to the culture of design and reflection on the key themes that characterize the organization and the location and which Frank Lo has decided to embrace since its birth: creativity, innovation, originality, research, energy, contamination, experimentation, audacity, vitality, flair. Over 180 professionals, students, journalists and enthusiasts took part in the conference in which various guests took turns on stage with never banal speeches and ideas. It is no coincidence that the ADI Design Museum was chosen, which will host an exhibition entirely dedicated to the evolution of eyewear, as it is the custodian of all the industrial products which from 1954 to today have been awarded the prestigious Compasso d'Achievement award. Gold, awarded with the aim of rewarding and enhancing the quality of Italian design. The day ended with an important awards ceremony which saw Frank Lo as the protagonist with the award of the most visionary optical center in Italy 2022 for the choice of products, type of services offered to the customer, fittings and communication. An achievement that certifies years of experience, passion, research and dedication. Thanks to the organization of DaTE Eyewear, to all the producers and exhibitors and to the jury who voted for this important recognition and above all to our customers who represent the true driving force of our successes! We are very happy to receive this award which attests to the work done so far, and we are also convinced to continue this path while maintaining the same philosophy as always.
Frank Lo awarded as the most visionary optical center in Italy